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The Welcome to Rota Book

It has been 2 years since the Welcome to Rota paperback book was first published, and I am so proud to announce that it has received nothing...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Moving day, part 2

This is it, my last few hours in this house. We are leaving it just the way we got it almost 4 years ago. (well, even a bit nicer and cleaner because of the improved backyard and painted walls!) We have been through 2 deployments in this house, and both boys were born here. It's strange to leave so many memories behind. But we are moving forward to even bigger adventures, so it's hard to be sad about leaving.
The movers came on Tuesday and packed up 7,000 pounds of furniture and boxes. I was surprised they took EVERYTHING apart - chairs, bookshelves, desk - everything had to stack flat for the long journey. Thank goodness we aren't responsible for putting it all back together at the end! It was a long day, but somehow they got it all on the truck.
Since then we have been cleaning every nook and cranny of the house : windows, walls, baseboards, cabinets, and appliances. It actually wasn't too bad. I found there are 4 essentials to make cleaning fun :
1.  Childcare! I had different friends watch the kids for 3 days in a row. They had fun, and I got so much done.
2. Mr. Clean magic erasers. They are amazing, from tub scum to scuffs on the wall, they clean it all!
3.  Multipurpose cleaner. I have some concentrated orange cleaner called eco-orange that works on floors, bathrooms, wood, and stainless steel. It made it easy to clean a whole room without changing rags.
4. Scrub brush. I don't usually use one, but I found it was more effective than any other tool, so I might start using it more often!

Our home inspection was today, and the rental company said everything looks great. So I guess that's it. We have successfully moved out! Once the kids wake up from naps, we will drive around turning in the keys and returning stuff to our friends, and then we will say farewell to the house! Not looking forward to our massive sleepover in 1 hotel room tonight, so pray that we all get a little sleep!

1 comment:

  1. I told my wife if we ever move again, I'm just taking out tons of insurance and burning the house down. It's easier to buy new stuff.
