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The Welcome to Rota Book

It has been 2 years since the Welcome to Rota paperback book was first published, and I am so proud to announce that it has received nothing...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wait... OK, now hurry up!

My parents always joked that the military motto should be "Hurry up and wait" since Marines typically spend so much time rushing around to get things done... only to sit and wait for endless hours. Well, this week we are going through the opposite scenario. We waited and waited for the past few months to get official orders with dates to our next duty station. Now we have them... and boy do they want us to move quickly! He is ordered to report to Rota anytime between July 20 and August 20. Ummm, does anyone realize that July starts THIS weekend! Eeek!

So today we began the process of running around and getting answers to some of our million questions. How do we get a family of 5 relocated to Spain? How much time do we have to get this done? We are shipping household goods, furniture, our minivan, and even ourselves overseas! But in the military you don't just ask a travel agent and reserve some tickets. There are special flights, special processes, and special paperwork. There are timelines, lines to wait in, signatures to get, and always copies of more paperwork to submit. Luckily my husband is running around doing most of that. I just have to make the arrangements for the kids and myself. Oh, and the furniture and everything else we own. Yep, it is gonna be a busy month! Not stressed yet, because there are way too many ifs and maybes at this point... but hang in there because I will be sharing everything I learn about a military move in the weeks to come!

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